Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rainy Day!!!

So as I am standing here in the shop on the third consecutive rainy day I find myself looking for anyway to pass the time before Kari gets here later tonight. So I started to think about my week that has passed and wondering what the best part was to share on my blog.

It could have been wednesday night when Shayne came out from Portage to play some golf and share some laughs.

But I am choosing a humorous story of when Dean and I went into the local elementary school to provide golf lessons to try and stimulate a new generation of golfers in the area. All of the lessons went so good. the kids were just so full of life and enjoyment over having us there trying to share some knowledge of this great game. Normally that would be good enough of a reason to blog about, but on this particular day i had a run in with a little girl in grade 3 that i will remember for a long time.

Like all the classes before we have an informal introduction then split the kids into 3 groups in which they would work there way around to 3 golf stations. I was set up in the pitching/chipping station. It was more of a fun station then anything. As i am instructing the kids on what we will be doing in this section one little blonde girl cast a strong gaze upon me that i have not felt since kari tried to make me notice her in class last year. After we break into our first exercise i finally got a chance to ask her if there was something on her mind. She said " i know that you said your name was scott, but you look exactly like a guy named Chris. Is he your twin?" i explained that i had one brother and he was not a twin. not believing me she thought for sure that i was twins with this chris guy who is a farmer by the way. I decide quickly that this conversation is only going to be her word against mine so being the adult i was going to end it with a little humor. I tell the girl one last time that i do not have a twin but I would really like to meet this guy because he sounds really handsome. exactly 2.2 seconds later in the most serious tone an 8 year can be in she replies "HE IS NOT!!!!!"

i nearly fell on the floor laughing. I did manage to regroup and continue with what i thought was a great lesson.

That little girl put a smile on to my face so big on an otherwise drury day. thank you.

I guess kids do really say the darndest things.
